19 October

The latest news regarding Interclub is that we have 26 teams playing in this event. Our numbers are down from last year when we had 30 teams, but it enables us to play a round-robin of 25 rounds of 8 board matches.

The schedule is as follows:
  • Thursday 14.00 – 17.30 3 matches; 19.30 - 23.00 3 matches
  • Friday 09.00 – 12.30 3 matches; 14.00 – 17.30 3 matches; 19.30 - 23.00 3 matches
  • Saturday 09.00 – 12.30 3 matches; 14.00 – 18.40 4 matches
  • Sunday 09.00 – 12.30 3 matches; 12.45 Lunch and prizegiving

The Bi-annual SABF A.G.M. will take place immediately after the end of the session on Saturday evening.

This programme means that we will have a long and hard tournament, but I am sure a lot of good bridge and hopefully also a lot of fun for all.

See you there,


#10 - 13 October

Greeting all,

I have had a most exciting week trying to get an answer to a question that has puzzled many players: "Can one open a 1nt with a semi-balanced hand? (including a singleton)" Lots of replies were received from a broad spectrum of local players, mainly from those with International experience.

I have also written to David Stevenson (Senior TD in the U.K.) and asked him to peruse our Rules and Regulations that are posted on our web site. He has agreed to do so, but has asked for a little time. He did however state that countries can play any rules they wish and the WBF rules and regulations are for international competitions in particular, but many countries have adopted the WBF standard.

We realize that to change the rules will take time as we have to get a body of players together, that have experienced international and local tournaments, to recommend the changes, but in the meanwhile, with the Inter-provincial and Interclub taking place at the end of this month the SABF have decided to allow the opening of 1NT with semi-balanced hands which may include a singleton. If it becomes part of your system it has to be alerted and a full explanation given. Furthermore, your convention card must state that your 1NT opening/overcall can be semi-balanced and can hold a singleton.

As the Interprovincials will be played using screens, Peter Jackson (TD of the event) has requested that you have a written statement stating ‘can have a singleton’ to be flashed by players on both sides of the screen.

I visited Bloemfontein during the past week and I can tell you that the venue is great - airy, lots of light and there is a great pub - and lunches can be ordered on the premises.

The inter-provincials will be broadcast LIVE on BBO VUgraph, so you can have ringside seats to watch your province battle it out.

InterProvincials Schedule (with hospitality half-time breaks):
  • 1st match: Tuesday 14.00 ending 18.15
  • 2nd match: 19.30 ending 23.45
  • 3rd match: Wednesday 10.00 ending 14.15
  • 4th match: 15.30 ending 19.45
  • 5th match: Thursday 08.30 ending 12.45

These times will be strictly adhered to.

We still have place for teams to enter the Interclub and the closing date is the 16th October.
We presently have 26 teams which will enable us to have a 9- or 10-board round robin.

Look forward to seeing you there,


#9 - 1st October 2009

Greeting everyone,

We are now into October and the Inter-Provincial and Interclub events loom ahead.

For the Medwin and Berkowitz starting on Tuesday afternoon the 27th October, we have 6 teams in each which is most gratifying as there in no head scratching to fit the matches in without a bye.

We will play 32 board matches and the provisional times are as follows:

  • session 1 Tuesday afternoon 14h00 - 17h45
  • session 2 Tuesday evening 19h45 - 23h30
  • session 3 Wednesday morning 10h00 - 13h45
  • session 4 Wednesday afternoon 15h30 - 19h15
  • session 5 Thursday morning 09h00 - 12h45

The closing date for the interclub is the 16th October. Please can we have your entries in as soon as possible as we cannot plan the schedule unless we know how many clubs are involved and only then do we know how many matches and boards to prepare.

The Bi-annual A.G.M. will take play directly after play on the Saturday night.

Once again a reminder that there are many B & B’s in the area close to the Orangia Bowling Club and the Protea Hotel and the new casino hotel are also in the vicinity. There is a list of B & B’s on this website under Free State Open pairs which is being held on the preceeding weekend and is a Red Point tournament.

Look forward to seeing you all there.
