We are now into October and the Inter-Provincial and Interclub events loom ahead.
For the Medwin and Berkowitz starting on Tuesday afternoon the 27th October, we have 6 teams in each which is most gratifying as there in no head scratching to fit the matches in without a bye.
We will play 32 board matches and the provisional times are as follows:
- session 1 Tuesday afternoon 14h00 - 17h45
- session 2 Tuesday evening 19h45 - 23h30
- session 3 Wednesday morning 10h00 - 13h45
- session 4 Wednesday afternoon 15h30 - 19h15
- session 5 Thursday morning 09h00 - 12h45
The closing date for the interclub is the 16th October. Please can we have your entries in as soon as possible as we cannot plan the schedule unless we know how many clubs are involved and only then do we know how many matches and boards to prepare.
The Bi-annual A.G.M. will take play directly after play on the Saturday night.
Once again a reminder that there are many B & B’s in the area close to the Orangia Bowling Club and the Protea Hotel and the new casino hotel are also in the vicinity. There is a list of B & B’s on this website under Free State Open pairs which is being held on the preceeding weekend and is a Red Point tournament.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
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