#10 - 31 October

I have posted the final draft of our new constitution on the web for your perusal and, if necessary, for any comments you may have.
I want to thank all of those players that took the time to send us their views and in particular I must mention Peter Maybury who obviously spent a lot of time on this project and I’m pleased to say that we were able to include many of his suggestions.
If anyone wishes to discuss any issues before final voting on the adoption of the constitution, please let me have your comments in writing before the 7th November for inclusion in our discussion at the bi-annual A.G.M.

I want to take this opportunity of thanking Sid for the outstanding coverage of the Bermuda Bowl, Venice cup and Seniors. He really brought the whole tournament alive for those of us that were unable to watch all the matches. I have received many letters of congratulations to Sid for his consistent and extremely valuable efforts.

It was indeed unfortunate that our team got off to a rocky start, but that is the nature of the game and hopefully we now can look forward to the World Mind Sports Games to be held next year in Manchester.

The interclub is almost here. We have 26 teams participating and therefore the event will comprise of 25 x 8 board matches. The teams and times of play are on the SABF website for all to see. Please remember the SABF invite you to a dinner at the Sirocco Restaurant on the Friday evening instead of the prizegiving lunch . We will finalise numbers on Thursday afternoon at the tournament. Partners or spouses are more than welcome and the cost of their dinner will be R80.00 per person.

Wishing you all great bridge.


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